Abstract Submisison

Submission Categories and Awards

Please carefully read the instructions before submitting the abstract. If in any doubt please contact us at czupisacon2024@gmail.com
Conference Registration is mandatory for submitting Abstracts.

Abstract Submission In-Charge - Dr. Shivali Pandey (+91 7985587046) & Dr Anil Kumar (+91 9454224498)
Category PG Students Anaesthesiologists
1st Prize 2nd Prize Best Paper/Poster
Obstetric Anaesthesia ₹5,100 ₹2,100 ₹6,000
Pediatric Anaesthesia ₹5,100 ₹2,100 ₹6,000
Cardiac and Neuroanaesthesia ₹5,100 ₹2,100 ₹6,000
Orthopaedic and Trauma Anaesthesia ₹5,100 ₹2,100 ₹6,000
Critical Care ₹5,100 ₹2,100 ₹6,000
Anaesthesia for Laparoscopic and Minimally Invasive Surgeries ₹5,100 ₹2,100 ₹6,000
Regional Anaesthesia and Chronic Pain Management ₹5,100 ₹2,100 ₹6,000
Free Paper ₹5,100 ₹2,100 ₹6,000
e-Poster ₹11,000 ₹5,000 ₹6,000

Call for Papers and E-Posters for UP ISACON 2024

Theme: Research, Refine, Revolutionize

The Organizing Committee of UP ISACON 2024 warmly invites submissions for papers and e-posters under the theme "Research, Refine, Revolutionize." This conference is set to be held from 25th to 27th October 2024 at the Orchha Palace and Convention Centre, Orchha, offering a significant platform for academic and professional growth in the fields of anaesthesiology and critical care.

These presentations will enable PG students to comply with the latest PGMER 2023 guidelines, which require students to either deliver a podium presentation, present a poster at a National, Zonal, or State conference, or publish a research paper as the first author in a speciality journal to qualify for their PG examinations.

Important Dates

🔰 Abstract Submission Opens: 16th May 2024
🔰 Abstract Submission Deadline: 20th Aug 2024

Abstract Submission Guidelines for Competitive Papers and E-Posters


🔰 Registration for the conference is required prior to any presentation submissions.


🔰 The primary (first) author must be the presenting author and will be the recipient of any awards.
🔰 A maximum of two abstracts per delegate is allowed.
🔰 The abstract should be original and not previously published or presented.

Presentation Categories

🔰 Choose from the following competitive categories based on your role as a PG Student or Consultant. (Refer to the following next section)


🔰 If any category receives more than 20 submissions, these will be pre-screened to determine which papers will move forward to the review stage.
🔰 If any category receives less than 5 papers would be merged with free papers.

Submission Process

🔰 All submissions must be made online through the link given below.
🔰 The abstract must be in English in Word docx format. Arial font, Font Size: 12. Should not exceed 300 words.
🔰 The abstract should be structured as per the template. [Click Here To Download Template]
🔰 Case reports will be accepted as e poster. For case reports also abstract submission is mandatory. Please follow this template for case reports. [Click Here To Download Template]
🔰 Up to four authors per abstract are allowed, including the presenting author.
🔰 The presenting author must be highlighted, and detailed contact information must be provided.
🔰 Abstracts of ongoing studies with incomplete data will be provisionally accepted only under the condition that complete data is provided by September 15th 2024.

Review and Notification

🔰 Each submission will be reviewed by the conference’s Abstract Review and Scientific Committees.
🔰 Notification of acceptance, revision, or rejection will be communicated within four weeks of submission.

Copyright and Consent

🔰 A copyright form attached must be completed, scanned, and uploaded with your abstract submission. [Click Here To Download Copyright Form]
🔰 A consent for publication must be signed and included with the abstract.


🔰 The abstract submission deadline is 20th Aug 2024.


🔰 For any queries, please contact Dr. Shivali Pandey, incharge Abstract Submission (Mob.7985587046) or Dr. Charu (Mob. 8958291199) or email at czupisacon2024@gmail.com

E-Poster Submission Guidelines

Title of the E-Poster

🔰 Maintain the same title as your submitted abstract to ensure continuity. Minor modifications are permitted, provided they do not alter the core idea of the abstract.
🔰 For case reports, title to be provided accordingly (follow template attached). [Click Here To Download Template]

Logos and Placement

🔰 Place the ISA logo in the upper left corner of your poster.
🔰 Your institutional logo should be positioned in the upper right corner.
🔰 Include the conference logo centrally at the top of the poster.

Poster Size & Format

🔰 Format: All posters must be submitted in PDF format.
🔰 Creation: Create your poster using PowerPoint. You can design the poster in either Landscape or Portrait orientation and then save it as a PDF for submission.
🔰 Orientation: Landscape is preferred.
🔰 Dimensions:

  • Landscape: 36 inches high by 48 inches wide.
  • To set this in PowerPoint, go to “Design,” select “Slide Size,” choose “Custom Size,” and input the dimensions as 36” high by 48” wide. Choose “Maximize fit” from the options available in the latest versions of PowerPoint.

🔰 Download Template: A template can be downloaded here.

Text Specifications

🔰 Title: 80 pt, bold
🔰 Authors and Affiliations: 40-50 pt
🔰 Headings: 54-60 pt
🔰 Body Text: 32-40 pt
🔰 References: 16-18 pt
🔰 Ethical Considerations: If the study involves human research, mention the ethical approval status of the data

Graphics and Images

🔰 Include high-definition figures to enhance the visual impact of your poster.
🔰 GIF images are permitted and can be included in the e-posters.


Verify your email to Submit Abstract

Verify your Email to submit an abstract. Use the same Email ID as used in your Conference Registration. (Conference registration is mandatory to submit an abstract.)

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